Dodge The Plagiarism Accusations
Sometimes, it is pretty hard to resist the urge to submit our sample papers as your final assignment while claiming it to be an original work. But unfortunately, we have strict policies regarding such actions. Every writing we deliver is meant to guide you on framing your work correctly using the unique slants and perspectives.
We do not aim to go against the university guidelines regarding plagiarism. Hence, we strictly maintain a fair-use policy where you can consult our papers about developing a unique assignment independently. This ensures that you won’t become entirely dependent on our sample papers.
What Is The Best Way To Use Sample Papers?
Our professional writers frame the assignment question in a manner similar to what you might get in university. However, your institution can always ask the question differently. Additionally, your professors might ask you to provide a counter-perspective on the topic. Hence, our sample papers merely serve as a guide and starting point to help you master that topic. Eventually, when you conduct thorough research on the subject, you become more familiar with the intricacies.
Here’s a step-by-step guide on using our sample papers correctly.
While it might seem tedious to refer to the sample papers and develop a unique answer, it is extremely helpful in mastering the topic so you won’t have to face any issues in the future.
Is It Alright If I Submit The Sample Answers You Provide To My Institute?
Unfortunately, you cannot submit the answers our writers provide and try to pass them as your own. This would amount to plagiarism and can land you in legal trouble. Moreover, you should remember that changing a few words and phrases won’t help – the work will still be plagiarised!
So, it's best to submit 100% original writing to your university to avoid plagiarism accusations that, in the worst-case scenario, can lead to expulsion or suspension. The custom writing we provide will guide you in the right direction when you use it the way we highlight in our Fair Use Policy. In addition, our assignments will help you master the art of writing academic papers so that you won't have to face any trouble in your upcoming semesters.
If you require any clarification regarding our Fair Use Policy or Terms and Conditions, please get in touch with our Customer Relationship Manager via +61-3-4000-0033.
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